It’s almost hard to believe that this is the twelfth issue of Using Mind Maps Magazine. I had the idea of bringing Tips, Tools, Techniques and Opinions of Leading Mind Mapping Experts to Mind Mappers all over the world for quite some time. And when I saw the opportunity that Apple’s Newsstand, and later Google Play, brought, I realised that I could deliver Mind Mapping Content in a new and refreshing way. Out of these ideas, Using Mind Maps Magazine was born...
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…After taking the class I was most impacted by my new found ability to draw a portrait of a human face. Although I could see value in the Mind Mapping, I rarely used it personally or professionally except to map out books. I began teaching this workshop successfully to other leaders throughout the company, and was formally certified as an instructor by Vanda North (Founder and former CEO of The Buzan Centres) in August of 1992… |
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'...A resource list is an indispensable tool I use in my professional life as a life coach and in my personal life to achieve my own goals and objectives. In fact your life resource list, it’s a tool that is absolutely critical to the achievement of success in any field of endeavor. Resource lists are very much like the food we eat on a daily basis that helps nourish our bodies. We eat this food because it provides us with the energy we need to do what we do throughout the day...' |
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A mind map starts you on the path of creativity. It allows you to fill in the blanks (“map the gap” if you will) in a non-linear fashion, providing a living document of ideas for future development. I have used mind maps to develop content for multiple media outlets. For example, a blog post turned into an article, which became a PowerPoint presentation, which spawned a video, that ended up inspiring a radio interview, which is now an eBook. |
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Icons and symbols are small visual elements that you can attach to topics in your mind maps, which add meaning and context to them. These miniature images can be used to depict priority (A/B/C or 1/2/3), types of activities (phone calls, meetings or travel), tasks, and types of information and ideas. It’s been said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. A symbol or icon, attached to a topic within your mind map, can convey much more meaning and context, which can be quickly understood by your brain... |
...In line with our BackToSchool campaign, we’d like to provide all teachers out there with a quick guide on how to get the most out of mind mapping. Learn how to use this powerful tool to increase productivity and creativity in your classroom and further the collaboration between your students!... |
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'...Wikibrains, a hot new startup from Israel, has decided to create a crowd-sourced semantic web from scratch, one that reflects the current culture. The idea is simple: users come to wikibrains to quickly create beautiful maps and visualize data, while simultaneously their associations are being saved and suggested to next users...' |
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...I was sitting with some friends having a beer, when someone came out with an idea for new business: Multi Flavor Oatmeal restaurant. We decided to call it “Oats for All”. A guy (I think he is a finance guy) sitting next to us who was hearing our conversation said: “guys, I like that idea… I am willing to help you… Let us start and build our Balance Sheet!!”... |
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If you asked any nursing student what words most often spring from the lips of their nursing faculty the answer would (or definitely should) be critical thinking. Why is that? The short answer is that in order to apply the knowledge necessary for rapid decision making in patient care, critical thinking thought processes are necessary to bring thoughts to reality in nursing actions. The longer answer to that question expands on this premise and in doing so incorporates mind mapping (also known as concept mapping) in several ways… |
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...The fact that you’re reading this article probably means that you have stepped beyond the norm of linear note taking and presenting from linear outlines. You’ve been willing to try something new, you listened to the “specials” as it were and decided to give something new, like mind mapping a try. Let’s briefly look at three possible categories people fall into when they are introduced to the concepts and science behind mind mapping... |
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