In this Newsletter...
- Welcome
- News
- MindMapTutor Blog
- Facebook Page
- Twitter
- Tip of the Month
- What's Coming
1. WelcomeWelcome to another edition of the Using Mind Maps Newsletter; the Newsletter to help you with using Mind Maps in your daily life.
This edition focuses on our latest Mind Map Tutor, Our English Grammar Mind Map Tutor.
2. NewsOur English Grammar Mind Map Tutor has been launched. You can read more about it below.
Jasmine, our education specialist is on her way back to Cape Town from Berlin, Germany. She attended the largest Global E-Learning Conference.
I can't wait for all the latest information on what's happening in the E-Learning world. We will be applying this to the online offerings that we have been testing.
At the moment, readers of this Newsletter received access to two free online courses.
- An email course giving an overview of a good Study Framework
- An online course on Mind Mapping and how to get started
We have also been doing research on using Social Media for online learning. Our Blog has some posts on Learning and Social Media.
All in all, we've been very busy.
You will start benefiting from all of this in 2011, which is going to be a very eventful year.
3. MindMapTutor BlogLast month, we mentioned that our Mind Map Tutor Blog will become our online shop. After doing quite a bit of work on it, we have decided to retract this strategy.
We felt that at the moment a commercial type shop is not what we need. We will continue to use our Blog for regular updates on the Learning and Mind Map Market.
Using this as a shop now will detract from all the great, free information we are giving and may drive our readership down.
If you want to follow our Blog to get more regular updates on what's happening, you can subscribe on our Blog. We will update you daily if there is anything new for the day.
This is a great way to stay up to date and also give your input, as you can comment on our Blog. Your comments are most welcome, as we use them to help us serve you better.
Some highlights from our Blog in November:
Mind Maps - Maximise your Learning Power
English Grammar Mind Map Tutor - Special Launch Price
Changing Education Paradigms - Visual Thinking
Facebook as a Learning Platform
"Research" on Social Networking and Learning
4. Facebook pageJoing Using Mind Maps on Facebook to become a part of our Social Network.
Facebook is great for updates, as it is unobtrusive and you can give immediate feedback.
Please promote our Facebook Page to you friends and family.
It is a great way for them to stay updated with the latest information on Lifelong Learning and using Mind Maps.
5. TwitterYou can follow me via my personal Twitter account. I am very active in the online Mind Mapping community, you will get updates and links to important information as I come across it.
Twitter is the fastest way to get information into the market. If you haven't tried Twitter yet, give it a go. The great thing about Twitter is that you only have to read what you want to, as it just gives you the headlines. The information also comes to you, so you are only receiving information that you want to receive.
If you don't like the source - kill it, and it's instantly removed.
Twitter can be a great time saver to give you the information when you want it and how you want it.
6. Tip of the month - Improve your English Grammar today
As mentioned before, we are promoting the use of XMind, which is free OpenSource Software. XMind also offers you a premium version, which you can use for advanced applications of Mind Mapping.
All the Mind Maps that we provide can be used with the free version.
English Grammar Mind Map Tutor
Our tests have shown that everybody can use our English Grammar Mind Map Tutor - including me!
We've tried to put together a guide and a reference that only contains the important information on English Grammar.
All the Grammar needed for a good working knowledge of English is contained in this set of Mind Maps. Even if you are a native English speaker, this is for you. There is so much to learn when it comes to grammar, that most of us just know the basics. While the basics are covered, there are some advanced topics covered in our Tutor.
For example, do you know what Alliteration is and how you can use it effectively in your writing. Well, Alliteration and many other figures of speech are covered.
Do you have a bit of trouble with Concord (subject and verb agreement)? Well, it is covered.
While it is not the mother of all text books, it is a handy reference that uses both sides of the brain so that you can understand it easily and remember it forever.
Get your copy today at our special launch price. We have also packaged a special bonus, The Elements of Style, which Wikipedia describes it as 'one of the most influential and best-known prescriptive treatments of English grammar and usage in the United States'. Luckily, the original version is out of Copyright, so we get give it to you at no cost.
7. What's coming...Every year, we give you tips for the new year in line with our vision of Lifelong Learning. Our Learning Management Program is the ideal guide for you to obtain your learning objectives for the new year and the years that follow.
If you are a Subject Matter Expert, look out for new opportunities coming your way. You will be able to publish your own Tutors on our infrastructure and use our automated sales process to grow your own business.
So keep a lookout on our Blog , Facebook and Twitter for updated information as it arrives. We will be launching in December.
8. Communicating with usWe would also love to hear from you, so let us know how your Mind Map efforts are going. You can contact us via our Contact Page, or you can even write your own story and be published on our website.
You can also comment on any of our blog posts. The choice is yours.
Till next time...Work on your English Grammar - it will pay off handsomely! is built with Site Build It!