Using Mind Maps Magazine Issue 27

Editor’s Note

Pablo Picasso

Faizel Mohidin

Another in our series of Great Brains and their Notes

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In this Issue...

Redefining communication.

If art is a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, then Picasso changed the way millions of people look at how thoughts and ideas can be expressed.

He is the most successful and well-known artist in the modern era, and his introduction of so-called ‘modern art’ is known universally. Some dismiss it as junk, others as genius. I am not interested in getting into this debate, but what matters to me is that there are many different ways of capturing and expressing thoughts and ideas besides standard linear notes. And this is reflected in the notes of many geniuses, or ‘great brains’, as revealed in this current series of editor’s notes...

Three Project Management Myths You Should Ignore


There is no one-way route in project management.

The ideas and strategies you hold dear to your heart, might not mean a dime to someone else who is managing a project. This means that you should find a balance between what works and what the so-called experts had advised ‘us’ to follow.

Truly, it’s not an easy task to serve in multiple roles. When managing a project that requires extra thinking-through, you have to ditch myths and embrace practicable ideals...

Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast

Tarek Fahmy

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” Peter Drucker

A recent study done by Fortune magazine in 2014, shows that Leaders of the 100 Best Companies to Work For know the secret to business success isn’t just about earnings, but about creating an ideal culture for their employees. Google tops the list for the sixth times that includes names like BCG, Acuit, SAS Institute, salesforce, Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, etc…

9 mind maps for exceptional project management

Chuck Frey

Mind mapping software can be used in a myriad of ways to streamline project management. It’s not only valuable for project planning, but also execution and analysis.

In his new book, Mind Maps for Effective Project Management, professional project manager and trainer Maneesh Dutt presents the idea that today’s project environment requires different tools and a different way of thinking.

“Project management is both an art and a science, requiring both our left and right brain skills,” Dutt explains..

10 EdTech Tools Educators Should Use to Engage Students in Studying


With all tools and innovations implemented into the educational process, students’ attention seems to be following a retrograding trend. Today’s students are not very inspired to learn from textbooks; they are solely motivated by visual content, presentations, educational games, and other strategies that bring some fun into the classroom.

The good news is that teachers can always find the needed support in proper EdTech tools. Are you ready to find out which apps and websites you should start using to boost the engagement in class?...

Building a Healthy Self-Image 

Adam Sicinski

'It’s not what you say out of your mouth that determines your life, it’s what you whisper to yourself that has the most power!' Robert Kiyosaki

This article is part of an 8 part series to help you develop more confidence in the pursuit of your goals. Here is a list of all articles within this series:

What is a Self-Image?

A self-image is in its most basic form an internalized mental picture/idea you have of yourself. It’s how you think and feel about yourself based on your appearance, performance and relationships that consistently impacts your outlook on life as well as your level of happiness and fulfillment....

Mind Mapping Case Study: Ekso Bionics


Ekso Bionics: Clinical Studies Prove Life-Changing Devices Help Paraplegics Walk Again

The Objective

Imagine being told that you will never walk again. Ekso Bionics took this worst-case prognosis as a challenge, and made it their mission to help people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries get to a different answer—that they could walk again.

The California-based company was founded in 2005 and is currently taking on the lofty—and admittedly, immensely complicated—endeavor of creating exoskeletons that help paraplegics stand up, walk, and get out of wheelchairs...

Identifying Context Bias With Mind Mapping

Joseph (Joe) Campbell

As companies go global, the problems they are faced with are not only more complex, however the people who need to solve them are also faced with a new challenge.  This is one of “context bias”, where the dynamics of things such as nationality, geographic region and other environmental experiences have built up a “contextual” repertoire of bias which is applied to the world around them everyday.

Don't get me wrong, Many times these are good things and in fact, even required for our survival...

Mapping the Treasure in the Text

Chris Shilling

The big data theme is everywhere today; every industry, every academic discipline, is looking for the ‘diamonds in the data’. Visualisation software is used to present myriad charts and graphs, providing multiple interpretations of performance numbers, demographics, shopping habits etc. Where does mind mapping fit into this big data picture?

Mind mapping gives us a flexible, accessible way of capturing and structuring our thoughts...

MindMeister for iOS 6.4 Is Out! 

Handoff for MindMeister

Handoff is a Continuity feature from Apple that enables you to start working on one device and pick up where you left off on another device. This works for things like documents, messages, tasks, and now also for mind maps.

Introducing:  iMindQ 7, Influence and Inspire.

iMindQ 7 is officially launched and available for Windows and Mac. Inspire the way you think and influencethe way you work and share knowledge with the world. Are you ready to learn more about iMindQ 7?

And More...

Present and share your ideas with the world through interactive mind maps...

I really hope you love this issue of Using Mind Maps Magazine, and if you find it useful, please share.

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Faizel Mohidin
Using Mind Maps Magazine

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